Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Quasi-Patriotic Daddy

I suppose it's obligatory that bloggers say something to commemorate Independence Day, so here goes.

The trouble is that I'm not very patriotic these days. I oppose our wars, think our lifestyle is wasteful, and am truly frightened by our lack of certain basic civic values. What's a blogger to do?

I suppose I can at least thank America for the freedom to be a SAHD. For one, our society is progressive enough to let women have successful careers. We also have an economic system that is flexible and fluid enough for my wife and I to do what is in the best interests of our child. And we have the longstanding spirit of defying social convention.

True, none of the above is uniquely American. If anything, America is behind the rest of the modern world in furthering the SAHD agenda (parental leave, father's rights, etc). Let's just say I'm thankful that America is at least competitive in this regard, even if we're not quite Sweden, Japan, Canada, etc.

So happy birthday America - and continue making progress.